Marshaling Go Enums to and from JSON

Marshaling Go Enums to and from JSON

Benjamin Bengfort | Thursday, May 26, 2022 |  Golang Programming

Customizing JSON serialization for your data types seems relatively straightforward on the surface, but it’s easy to get turned around in receiver, value, pointer, and indirection confusion. Many of the patterns and rules-of-thumb you use in your normal Go code can lead you astray. In this post, we’ll illustrate exactly how and why to handle these edge cases.

But before we get any further, if you’re using this as a reference to determine how to implement JSON serialization for an enum type, here is the code snippet you’re looking for:

type Suit uint8

// MarshalJSON must be a *value receiver* to ensure that a Suit on a parent object
// does not have to be a pointer in order to have it correctly marshaled.
func (s Suit) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    // It is assumed Suit implements fmt.Stringer.
    return json.Marshal(s.String())

// UnmarshalJSON must be a *pointer receiver* to ensure that the indirect from the
// parsed value can be set on the unmarshaling object. This means that the
// ParseSuit function must return a *value* and not a pointer.
func (s *Suit) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error) {
    var suits string
    if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &suits); err != nil {
        return err
    if *s, err = ParseSuit(suits); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

The complete, interactive, and runable code can be found on the Go playground.

Customizing JSON Serialization in Go

The German-American side of my family loves playing Euchre, so I thought it might be an interesting idea to create an online multiplayer card game to stay connected during the pandemic. To describe decks and hands, I had to define cards, and in order to define cards, I had to implement a Suit type to describe the four possible card suits: hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades. An Enum (short for enumerated type) is an excellent choice to define suits, and in fact – the Wikipedia article about enumerated types uses card suits as an example!

Here is a classic definition of an enum in Go using iota to declare constant uint8 for our suits.

const (
	Hearts Suit = iota + 1

type Suit uint8

var (
	Suit_name = map[uint8]string{
		1: "♥",
		2: "♦",
		3: "♣",
		4: "♠",
	Suit_value = map[string]uint8{
		"♥":        1,
		"hearts":   1,
		"♦":        2,
		"diamonds": 2,
		"♣":        3,
		"clubs":    3,
		"♠":        4,
		"spades":   4,

// String allows Suit to implement fmt.Stringer
func (s Suit) String() string {
	return Suit_name[uint8(s)]

// Convert a string to a Suit, returns an error if the string is unknown.
// NOTE: for JSON marshaling this must return a Suit value not a pointer, which is
// common when using integer enumerations (or any primitive type alias).
func ParseSuit(s string) (Suit, error) {
	s = strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(s))
	value, ok := Suit_value[s]
	if !ok {
		return Suit(0), fmt.Errorf("%q is not a valid card suit", s)
	return Suit(value), nil

The Suit enum uses 1 byte (a uint8) to define our constants in a small but still convenient package (technically all we need is 2 bits to represent our 4 values; a uint8 can represent up to 255 values but is far easier to work with). This is more compact than a string, but is not terribly human-friendly (e.g. you don’t want to have to remember that Hearts == 1) so we implement the fmt.Stringer interface so that we can print the suit as ♥, ♦, ♣, or ♠ and a ParseSuit function so we can easily convert a string to a Suit. We then get the best of both worlds: a compact enum that can be typechecked by the compiler and a string representation that we can read and understand.

All is well and we can implement our Card type:

type Card struct {
	Value uint8 `json:"value"`
	Suit  Suit  `json:"suit"`

But when we attempt to marshal our card as JSON:

card := &Card{Value: 7, Suit: Spades}
data, _ := json.Marshal(card)

We get the following result:

{ "value": 7, "suit": 4 }

We just did a bunch of work to be able to represent our Suit as a string, but the encoding/json package ignores it – this is because we need to customize how JSON is created from our type. To do so, we must implement the json.Marshaler interface:

func (s Suit) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	return json.Marshal(s.String())

The MarshalJSON function converts the Suit into a string, then JSON-marshals the string so that the output is valid JSON: []byte("\"♠\"") (quotation marks included). The most important thing to remember is that the method has a value receiver not a pointer receiver – more on this later. Implementing this method for our Suit object now marshals the following JSON data:

{ "value": 7, "suit": "♠" }

Of course, if we try to Unmarshal this data, we will get an error “json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type main.Suit” because "♠" cannot be converted to a uint8 and then to our Suit type. To deal with our custom marshaled JSON data, we’ll also have to implement the json.Unmarshaler interface:

func (s *Suit) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error) {
	var suits string
	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &suits); err != nil {
		return err
	if *s, err = ParseSuit(suits); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

This function is slightly more complicated, so we’ll go through it step by step. First, we declare a string variable suits and unmarshal the data into the string – this is possible because we expect the data to be the JSON string "♠" (quotation marks included). Once we’ve unmarshaled this intermediate type, we can then use the ParseSuit function to convert it into a Suit object – but then what do we do with it? The short answer is that we have to use pointer indirection to assign the method receiver variable the value returned from ParseSuit. The long answer follows.

Pointers, Values, and Reflection in JSON Serialization

The * operator in this context is the indirection operator (or dereference operator). It is an operator that works on pointer variables to get access to the value of the variable stored in the memory address (e.g. it is an indirect way to access the value). It is the opposite of the & operator, which is the “address-of” operator that returns the pointer to the given value. Besides what these operators do, it is also important to understand method receivers in Golang, which can be either pointer or value receivers depending on the type defined in the method signature.

The UnmarshalJSON function is a method, meaning it is a function that has an object receiver. Because UnmarshalJSON only returns an error – it is up to us to unmarshal the data into the receiver (e.g. modify the receiver value as the unmarshaled object). This means we have a choice, we can implement the UnmarshalJSON method with either a value receiver:

func (s Suit) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

or a pointer receiver:

func (s *Suit) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

Although these method signatures are different by one character, the receiver type has a large impact on how the code behaves. If you attempt to use the pointer indirection with a value receiver:

func (s Suit) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error) {
	// ...
	if *s, err = ParseSuit(suits); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

The compiler will complain with the following error: “invalid operation: cannot indirect s (variable of type Suit)”. However, if you don’t indirect:

func (s Suit) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error) {
	// ...
	if s, err = ParseSuit(suits); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

Then a copy of the value is passed into the UnmarshalJSON method and the original variable is not modified. This means that the Suit on the card you’re trying to unmarshal will remain zero-valued:

card := &Card{}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"value": 12, "suit": "♥"}`))
card.Suit == Suit(0)

The UnmarshalJSON was called successfully but the card.Suit variable was never touched by the value receiver. This means that the only way to handle UnmarshalJSON is with a pointer receiver and indirection of the unmarshaled value (or direct modification of the values in the pointer).

The rule of thumb for implementing value or pointer receivers is as follows:

In general, all methods on a given type should have either value or pointer receivers, but not a mixture of both.

However, we implemented our MarshalJSON function as a value receiver … what gives?

This is where reflection enters the picture. The encoding/json package makes heavy use of the reflect package to examine arbitrary types, determine if those types implement the interfaces we defined in the previous section, get access to struct tags, and more.

Remember that we defined our Card type as follows:

type Card struct {
    Value uint8
    Suit Suit

The property Suit on the Card is of type Suit – a value and not a pointer (*Suit). If we implemented our MarshalJSON method with a pointer receiver, you would notice something odd happen:

func (s *Suit) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	panic("this should not work")
data, _ := json.Marshal(Spades)

The output is 3 and the panic is never triggered. In order to trigger the panic you would have to do the following:

spades := Spades
data, _ := json.Marshal(&spades)

In the first case we’re passing a value to the json.Marshal method and in the second case we’re passing a pointer. (We have to assign the constant Spades to a variable spades because we cannot use & on a constant – this allows us to pass the address-of the pointer to the json.Marshal method.)

In order to use reflection to determine if a variable implements the json.Marshaler interface, it has to determine if the MarshalJSON is in the method set of the variable. When using the pointer receiver, it is in the method set of *Suit but not Suit and when using the value receiver, it is in the method set of Suit not *Suit.

Enums are usually treated as values since they are simple integers, e.g. it is preferable to use Suit rather than *Suit for the same reason it is preferable to use int rather than *int. Although the pointer receiver of MarshalJSON for the enum would work in 98% of cases, the 2% of cases it doesn’t work would cause frustrating bugs that would be hard to diagnose, therefore I believe in the case of enum JSON serialization, mixing pointer and value method receivers is an exception to the normal rule of thumb.

To wrap up, I’d like to discuss a couple of notes on the Card struct. First why did we add UnmarshalJSON and MarshalJSON to the enum Suit instead of to Card? Here I’ll introduce another rule of thumb: implement the JSON Marshaler and Unmarshaler methods on the smallest possible type that needs custom serialization. JSON data is usually very nested data with lots of different types and subtypes. To make your custom types more flexible (e.g. using Suit in objects besides Card), you’ll want each type to handle it’s own marshaling and unmarshaling rather than requiring the parent type to do it.

Second, if you tried marshaling the Card in the case above where Suit had a pointer receiver to MarshalJSON, you may have noticed that the code worked. I mentioned that in 2% of the cases the pointer receiver would not work, one of those cases is if you add a MarshalJSON method to Card and you attempt to create an intermediate value for the representation:

func (c *Card) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	middle := make(map[string]interface{})
	middle["value"] = c.Value
	middle["suit"] = c.Suit
	return json.Marshal(middle)

As discussed in the previous section, c.Suit is assigned to the type interface{}, so when the JSON reflection inspects its method set, it cannot find the pointer receiver of MarshalJSON. Without this method, the c.Suit type is Suit, so the JSON reflection can directly assert if the type implements Marshaler.

Finally - what about custom unmarshaling of a struct, are there any gotchas there? Consider if we want to do custom validation of our card during unmarshal and return an error if the card is not valid (not the best design pattern, but used to illustrate a point):

func (c *Card) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    if err = json.Unmarshal(data, c); err != nil {
        return err
    if c.Value < 1 || c.Value > 13 {
        return errors.New("not a valid card value")
    return nil

This code will return a stack overflow because of the infinite recursive call to UnmarshalJSON - e.g. calling json.Unmarshal(data, card) will call c.UnmarshalJSON(data), which will call json.Unmarshal(data, c) which will call c.UnmarshalJSON(data) and so on until the maximum recursion depth is reached and a stack overflow occurs. To solve this problem, an anonymous struct is required:

func (c *Card) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    cs := struct{
        Value uint8 `json:"value"`
        Suit  Suit  `json:"suit"`

    if err = json.Unmarshal(data, &cs); err != nil {
        return err

    if cs.Value < 1 || cs.Value > 13 {
        return errors.New("not a valid card value")

    c.Value = cs.Value
    c.Suit = cs.Suit
    return nil

Duplicating struct definitions will often make maintenance harder, but this is sometimes necessary, particularly in the case of generated code that does not allow you to implement your own json struct tags (e.g. protocol buffers).


When you define your own types in Go and you want control over how those types are serialized and deserialized into JSON - the Marshaler and Unmarshaler interfaces give you a lot of flexibility. However, knowing and understanding pointers, values, indirection, and receivers is essential to correctly implementing these interfaces – and common wisdom can sometimes lead to tripping hazards. In particular, when dealing with enumerations or other primitive type aliases, the rule of thumb to use all pointer or all value receivers does not hold, and instead mixed receiver types are your best bet.

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How to customize JSON serialization for your data types while avoiding pointer and receiver problems -- a story in three parts.

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